
  • Camera Movment (Survival Mode Only):  Drag the mouse or use the arrow keys
  • Unit Summoning: Click the corresponding key or touch the icon

Survival Mode(Single Player):

  • The objective of this mode is to protect your castle as long as you can.  
  • You are given so much money per round with your opponent given slightly more.
  • Difficulty increases with the round number.
  • See how long you can survive the wrath of your neighbors invading army. 

Battle Mode (2 Player):

  • The objective of this mode is to destroy the other players castle before they destroy yours.
  • 10 Gold is earned every 2 seconds, but miners can increase your yield.
  • Time recharging abilities include Unit Healing and Arrow Storm
  • What do you prefer Offence or Defense?

Future Updates:

  • Music will be included with a future update
  • Looking into Mobile Support for Windows, Android, and IOS

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Very nice looking defense game and I'd say it's pretty fun to play too! The characters (or units) cover a nice wide are of different stats. If there's one hint to give, it'd be that never send the worm thing unless the enemy is within direct sight, otherwise it's very likely to miss and you've just spent 150 bucks for nothing.

I'd like to invite your game to our yearly contest, the Game Development World Championship!